So you've probably seen this trend in eyeshadow technique everywhere, which helps to make your eyes look bigger and brighter...and well, simply amazing. It's not a new technique at all, having first made it's appearance in the early 1920's and 30's, but has risen to new popularity in recent years (thanks in part to the Kardashians!). … [Read more...]
How to Apply Eyeliner to Accentuate Your Eyes
Applying eyeliner is a wonderful way to accentuate the eyes. Though most women would like for it to be as simple as drawing a line around the eyelid, there is more to it than that. Follow these steps to learn how to apply eyeliner appropriately to complete your look. … [Read more...]
Eyeshadow Essentials to Make Your Eyes Stand Out
When it comes to makeup, eyeshadow is perhaps the trickiest product to apply. This is because the eyes have no real limitations. According to the makeup experts, each shape you create using eyeshadows can take you to different realms. Indeed, it was black kohl that transformed Elizabeth Taylor into Cleopatra and Audrey Hepburn into Holly Golightly. Eyeshadows do not only make … [Read more...]